Custom Electronics Kits for Students
As a company that values the importance of education, Circuit Specialists prides ourself on the ability to create electronics kits for students in the classroom. We have worked teachers, instructors, and educators on providing lab kits that provide all the necessary pieces for your needs.
We create these kits because we believe in experiential education, or the ability for students to gain hands-on experience creating circuits, gadgets, contraptions, and machines. It allows students to be more creative. It provides them with the freedom to work at their own pace and allows them to learn as they go.
In order to give back to our local communities, we work to partner with people in the education field who have needs for these custom lab kits. We know that you, the educator, have a plethora of wonderful ideas on how to teach your students S.T.E.M. but you don’t have the time to gather the resources. Circuit Specialists can work with you to build these kits to meet the needs of the projects your students will create through the semester.
The process usually looks something like this: first, the instructor sends us the curriculum, which should include the list of projects the students will build throughout the course of the semester. Next, we examine what materials are needed for each project. Then, we put together a custom kit and send it to the instructor for approval. Once approved, we request a total count of kits are needed, package them and then deliver them before the semester starts. Instructors love this because the pre-assembled kits allow them to focus more on teaching. Plus, Students begin the semester with all the materials. The only thing they have to bring is the curiosity and the desire to build.
Although this is the most common example of how we work with educators in the past, it is not the only way we can assist you. If you’re an instructor who does not come from a technical subject but wants to incorporate technology and circuits into the classroom, we can help. There are several projects out there for classes outside the S.T.E.M. field. For example, if you teach music, we could put together a kit for your students to build their own guitar pedals. We even wrote a guide on the project, which you can read here. The possibilities are endless with custom electronics kits for students.
We want to emphasize the customization of these lab kits for students. Not only can we put together kits with parts we offer, but we can also find any parts that we may not carry directly so you don’t have to. It’s important to make your students excited to learn. If you want to create a unique experience for them in your classroom, we would like to help.
Should you have any questions regarding Circuit Specialists’ lab kitting service, you can email us at any time at, visit our page, or give us a call at 1-800-528-1417 (extension 104).