Test Equipment



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Browse our vast collection of electrical test equipment from trusted brands like Siglent, Rigol, ITECH, Hantek, Owon, and more. From budget-friendly handheld oscilloscopes to high-end multifunctional spectrum analyzers, Circuit Specialists provides the tools and equipment for hobbyists to professionals to educators.


Multimeters are multifunctional devices that measure voltage, current, and other electrical properties like resistance and capacitance. At Circuit Specialists, we also carry a unique kind of multimeter called a component tester (sometimes called a transistor tester), which specializes in identifying and measuring electronic components like transistors, capacitors, and more. Voltage Testers and Current Clamps specialize in testing voltage and amperage and can also be found in our multimeter collection.

Oscilloscopes measure and graphically display voltage over time. Benchtop oscilloscopes are designed to remain stationary and may offer advanced capabilities, such as waveform generation and spectrum analysis. Handheld oscilloscopes (especially portable multimeter oscilloscopes) are popular among hobbyists for their affordability and portability. PC-Based USB oscilloscopes are another type of budget-friendly portable oscilloscope, and many automotive-based oscilloscopes come in USB form. 

Waveform Generatorsalso known as function generators, generate various electrical waveforms, such as sine, square, ramp, or sawtooth waves, for a device or circuit under test. At Circuit Specialists we also carry arbitrary waveform generators and related items like signal generators. Many of the units from manufacturers like Siglent and Rigol often combine function/waveform generation with their oscilloscopes and other test equipment.  

DC Electronic Loads are designed for testing power sources, such as power supplies, batteries, motors, solar panels, and DC-to-DC converters.

RF Test Equipment (Signal Generators and Vector Network / Spectrum Analyzersare specialized equipment that tests radio frequency devices. RF Signal Generators are a specialized version of function generators that is capable of generating high-frequency signals with bandwidths up to 6 GHz or more. Spectrum analyzers and Vector Network Analyzers measure the frequency information of a signal, such as frequency response and noise distortion. At Circuit Specialists, we offer an array of RF test equipment, including multifunctional 5-in-1 instruments and portable handheld spectrum analyzers. You can also take the budget-friendly approach by buying a Siglent oscilloscope or Rigol oscilloscope and purchasing a compatible software option that provides RF test equipment capabilities, like vector network analysis and spectrum analysis. 

Specialty Test Equipment are niche electrical testing devices that include everything from borescopes to environmental testers to cable and network testing. Many of our specialty test items come from Eclipse Tools (formerly known as Pro’s Kit), which provide an array of budget-friendly and reliable test equipment for your unique projects. 

Test Equipment Accessories include test leads and clips, specialized oscilloscope and high voltage probescoaxial cables and BNC adapterspanel meters, and other accessories that augment testing capabilities. 


Circuit Specialists is proud to carry equipment from trusted brands and manufacturers including RigolSiglentHantekITECH, and OWON. We also provide bulk pricing and custom quotes, as well as source equipment for you from manufacturers like Keysight. 


For over 50 years, Circuit Specialists has provided lab equipment, custom kits, and other electronics supplies to educational institutions, businesses, government entities, and hobbyists alike. We save you time and money by sourcing equipment and supplies and providing the best discount available, offering bulk pricing, edu discounts, and tax exemptions for qualifying customers.

Start your custom order today, or reach out to one of our specialists for more information by calling 1-800-528-1417 or emailing sales@circuitspecialists.com